
Since more than 40 years, Confiserie Crevin, produces handcrafted marshmallows in different flavors, both with and without a chocolate topping. All this in the old fashioned traditional way.. Confiserie Crevin is an artisanal family company where tradition, quality and freshness are the central values and assets. We can say, without any hesitation or shame, that we do make the best handcrafted «marshmallows», «spekjes», «nonnebillen (nun's buttocks)»! Of course we also seek development in taste, texture, flavors, but always according to the traditional base recipe. Our products are really «handcrafted» with high quality ingredients, and wit only natural flavoring and coloring. Our customers, especially wholesale, in Belgium and abroad, are our partners. A close coöperation with them, along with an open communication result in «state of the taste»-products that we create exclusively for them. New techniques give us the possibility to even make personalized products for our customers, or even their's. For every season we create original marshmallows, adapted in form or flavor, and this even in small volumes. About the freshness we can be very brief: We do not keep stocks! We only produce what our customers orders, so the products are really as fresh as they can be!

Products and brands

Guimauve, marshmallows
