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On this page, discover what Belgian food and beverage companies are up to – including the latest innovations, investments and events. After all, companies in Belgium don’t sit still for long! For bite-sized news items, satisfy your craving with some food.be snacks. Are you more interested in exports and investments? Check out our Best of Belgium long-read stories. Not in the mood for reading? There’s a food.be video to suit your tastes. Hear the voices of our own companies speak in their own words. Enjoy!

Best of Belgium

Crop's - The Natural Choice

Crop’s harvests and freezes fruits and vegetables in the best growing regions in the world for customers worldwide in the food industry, retail, foodservice, wholesale and bakery.

Best of Belgium

Pauwels sauces - Belgian sauce culture

Pauwels Sauces is one of Europe’s leading sauce producers active in private label production, as well as for co-packing international A-brands’ sauces.

Best of Belgium

Dossche Mills - Craftsmanship straight from the mill

Dossche Mills is one of Europe’s largest mills, and one of the main producers and suppliers of quality bakery products.

Best of Belgium

Gourmand - Quality bake-off products for foodies

Gourmand is specialised in quality bake-off products as French-style viennoiserie, value-added frozen laminated pastries and authentic Danish pastry.

Best of Belgium

Frigilunch - Ready meals from field to fork

Frigilunch is a leading manufacturer of frozen ready meals, meal components, soups, sauces and more. 

Best of Belgium

Agristo - For the love of potatoes

Agristo is a world player for the development and production of frozen potato products. 

Best of Belgium

Dufina - Cured, smoked, cooked – how do you like your meat?

Meat company Dufina brings tasteful artisanal products to the market.  

Best of Belgium

Milcobel - From raw milk to customer intimacy

Milcobel is a dairy cooperative that especially takes pride in its mozzarella and milk powder production.

Best of Belgium

Inex - Always deliciously the same

Inex is a purely Belgian company specialising in the production of a wide range of drinking milk products.